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Thursday, 16 March 2017

5 St. Patrick's Day Nail Ideas

Hi and Happy St. Patrick's Day!!πŸ€ 
In preparation for tomorrow I've come up with 5 nail designs that can be used all together or as accent nail! I'll show them in order of how difficult they are from simple to more challenging, just to make it easier for you guys! Alright here we go, see you on the other side!

For each of these nail art designs you will need :
Nail polish (Ikr, you would never have guessed!πŸ˜‰)

Glitter and a few tools:

1. Ireland Flag

For this you need a white polish, a green polish and an orange polish. A flathead brush is also super useful if you have one. When doing this design, remember, the Irish flag is green, white, orange. Green comes first. If you put orange first you'll end up with the Cote d'Ivoire flag! So grab them polishes and away you go! I presume I don't have to explain this one?

2. Crock o' Gold!
For this you can start out with any colour, I did green. You then want to paint your pot with black.
 Then you just want to fill your pot with gold! I also added a highlight to the pot.

3. Rainbow

Start with white again and make three stripes of red, yellow and blue.
Then fill in the gaps with the remaining colours. I recommend using a striping brush for this. This one and the last design would go great together!

4. Shamrock
Idk why I put this as one of the harder ones. It's really not that difficult! Just start with a light green base, grab a biggish dotting tool and a darker green then just dot three dots onto your nail in the formation shown in the picπŸ‘†πŸ‘† Add a stalk and just add some polka dots everywhere else!

5. Tiny Shamrocks

 This is just a mini version of the last one. Just do the same thing as the last one with a smaller dotting tool!

Phew! Hi, it's me again!πŸ‘‹ I said that I'd catch ya on the other side right?πŸ˜† That was fun but if you're feeling lazy this St.Patrick's day you could just paint your nails green:
 Anyway, here are all the designs together one more time:

Thanks for reading and Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

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