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Friday, 6 January 2017

Goodbye Christmas!

Well, this is it. The 6th of January, Women's/Little Christmas (Here in Ireland anyway). The official end of the holiday season. I am currently in the process of taking down the Christmas tree, mainly because it's long been dead. It looks quite melancholy. This is a sad time but also a happy one. It means that the last traces of 'The Year That Shall Not Be Named' are being swept out the door with the Christmas tree. As I write, the tree has been extracted from the sitting room by my father and there is now  a vast, empty space in front of the bay window, where the tree used to reside. And that's it, the single, most inspiring icon of Christmas has left our household. Following this moment, will be the tedious task of removing all Christmas decorations from every nook and cranny in the house and the not so terrible task of eating all the remaining chocolate! Well, that's all from me for now. I know this has gone up immediately after my 'New Year, New You' post but, I felt it necessary to acknowledge day as it is the official  end of Christmas. So, Happy Women's Christmas everyone! Be sure to leave a comment, letting me know when you take your Christmas decor down. Does your country have a day to officially end Christmas?
                                                                   Over and out!-Saph💖xx
P.S I know this was a bit of a weird post but I was feeling in a weird mood so, just go with it!😆

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