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Friday, 6 January 2017

New Year, New You?

Now, I know it's a bit late to be talking about the whole 'New Year, New You' thing but I figured why not? I mean, it's only the 6th of January! So I'm going to express my opinion on the New Year. As we all know 2016 wasn't exactly the perfect year and I know a lot of us are glad to leave it behind. In fact, I was on Pinterest the other day and I saw a pin that said '2016 is like the Voldemort of years. Now that it's over it'll be known as The Year That Shall Not Be Named!'😂 Sorry, I'm getting a bit off topic , but I had to mention that! Anyway, the New Year is always associated with New Years resolutions and becoming a better person and that's all fine and good but what are New Years resolutions associated with? Failure😕. Unless you're really determined, you're probably not going to keep your resolution(s) because a lot of people make their resolution something big like; I'm going to reduce my time on the Internet by 75%😊! As if😒. Now, I'm not saying that I'm against making yourself a better person because I'm all for that! But I do think that there are other methods. What I think is that we should use the New Year as a booster towards becoming a better person but don't think of your goal as a New Years resolution. Think of New Years as just a bigger step than the others on your journey to becoming the person you want to be👣. Improve small things in your life, choose your goal but don't rush towards it at full speed. Remember, sprinting only lasts a small while, it won't get you all the way🏃. Never stop walking and you'll reach your goal in due course. After all; 'slow and steady wins the race!' I know that there will be a lot of you that have already figured this out but I just wanted to put my opinion out there! There are just a few things that I want you to remember throughout your journey through life and they are: 'if it rains☔, look for rainbows🌈, if it's dark▓ look for the Stars🌟', 'A journey of a thousand miles, starts with a single step' and 'happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light💡!'- Albus Dumbledore. That's all I have for you today folks! I shall leave you with a painting that kind of represents all of the quotes that I just mentioned!

A girl in a blue dress with a red umbrella, walking down an avenue of cherry blossoms  in the rain

Over and out! -Saph💖xx

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